2006 Reunion (The Crew)
Standing L -> R
Ray Farley, Don Heesen, Ross Patterson, Bob Beyer, Leon Condley, Dick Eckersall
Sitting L -> R
Jim Nietfeld, George Keywan, Bob Mattingly, Gene Schmidt (Smitty)
The Crew with their Ladies
Back Row Standing L -> R
Ray Farley, Dick Eckersall, Don Heesen, Ross Patterson, Bob Beyer, Leon Condley
Center Row Standing L -> R
Maxine Farley, V.J. Keywan, Marge Mattingly, Pauline Beyer, Lois Condley, Dorothy Ciresi
Front Row Sitting L -> R
Jim Nietfeld, George Keywan, Bob Mattingly, Gene Schmidt (Smitty), Marge Schmidt
Hey! Here's Ray now, with his lovely wife Maxine
A few of us chowin' down at the VFW lodge.
Dick Eckersall and Bob Mattingly
A few of us chowin' down at the VFW lodge.
Bill Patterson and his dad Ross Patterson.
Heather, V.J. and George Keywan
dinner at the VFW lodge.
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